Capital of the most free-spirited country in Central Asia
Bishkek today is an exceptionally young city full of life and contrasts. There are Multitude of bars and night clubs, close to which you see old-school tea houses, Soviet era monuments, sculptures of ancient Kyrgyz heroes. On the streets you can meet hoary old men wearing "kalpaks" and colourful oriental robes, hipsters and all different subсulture representatives. Our guides know the city perfectly, its traditions, history and modern life. We do not just tell the facts from the guidebooks - we share our own impressions of life in Bishkek with you and introduce you to the locals - from city artists to shepherds who can offer you walks on their horses. +996 771 350 123 INFO@SHOWMEBISHKEK.COM
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Capital of the most free-spirited country in Central Asia
Capital of the most free-spirited country in Central Asia